Resumé by 6&24
Bierkade 16A, 2512 AB The Hague Trasy

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Międzynarodowa
  • Klimatyzacja
  • Jedzenie przy barze
  • Dostępna restauracja na świeżym powietrzu
  • Amex
  • Mastercard

Praktyczne informacje


A glass of crisp rosé with a fine selection of cured meats in the wine bar or on the canal-side terrace, a few small plates to share, or a complete meal in the restaurant, with its floral, slightly tropical-looking decor… You have plenty of options here. The tempting menu includes an intensely flavoursome ceviche, a vegetarian dish based on dry-aged beetroot, and a rich tarte Tatin. The chefs are just as happy to play with exotic seasonings as they are to turn out distinctly Dutch dishes. In short: delicious, inspired and generous!


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