Artifact at Mingei
1439 El Prado, San Diego 92101 Trasy

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  • Współczesna

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Visitors to scenic Balboa Park's trove of museums are well-advised to stop in for the unique collection of folk art, craft and design on display here, but this unassuming restaurant, just across from the gift shop, is worth a visit in its own right. Like the museum itself, the culinary offerings are proudly eclectic and international, ranging from carefully pleated rock shrimp gyoza with a yuzu-flavored dashi, to lamb kibbeh with quinoa tabbouleh. Plant-based options, like Thai green curry with sweet potato and crispy noodles, are clearly no afterthought, and desserts like cardamom tapioca with saffron granita hold their own. As if to drive home the kitchen’s far-ranging sensibilities, an exclusive dinner series highlights a different global cuisine every month.


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