San Omakase
Rua Conde de Bernadotte, 26 - Loja 103, Rio de Janeiro 22430-200 Trasy
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The specific feature of this small (just eight seats at the counter) but elegant restaurant on the first floor of a shopping centre in the heart of Leblon is its honest homage to Japanese cuisine, which goes beyond culinary concepts in order to teach us more about the country’s culture. Here, good hospitality is a key tenet, so you’ll be welcomed at the door with a glass of sake, while those with little experience of Japanese dining will be given explanations on the preparation process and the special characteristics of the Omakase menu. Chef André Nobuyuki Kawai, who spent several decades working in Japan and was the founder of, and worked as a teacher at, the Nagoya Sushi School, creates an extensive array of nigiri with different sauces in front of your eyes, all of which are perfectly sliced and use fresh fish of an exceptional quality. He also prepares sashimi, the typical Tamago omelette and the ever-popular Chawanmushi among other dishes and is happy to share anecdotes to enhance the overall dining experience.


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