Cuines 33
Smedenstraat 33, 8300 Knokke Trasy
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A meal at Cuines, 33 is an experience in its own right. As you first relax in the lounge, you are immersed in the soothing colour scheme, a genuine ode to Japanese minimalism. Right from the first bite, Edwin Menue’s cosmopolitan creativity can be tasted in creations like pani puri with razor clams and a dashi, illustrating just how his delicate touch underscores the entire establishment. The chef and the lady of the house, Fleur, then invite you to make your way into the dining area, whose counter seats sixteen. There you have a bird’s eye view of the chefs’ painstaking handiwork as they curate crisp veal sweetbread lacquered in sesame seeds and served on velvety mashed potato with a drizzling of vanilla and coffee oil and shavings of marinated egg yolk. Course after course of exquisite culinary surprises await the diner. The chef may even invite you into the kitchen to sample a bread-based recipe. Finally, make your way back to the lounge where a further lineup of delicacies awaits. Chef Menue’s culinary voyage, packed into a single set menu, is truly amazing.


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