Old Toulouse
31000 Toulouse Trasy
Zielony przewodnik

Praktyczne informacje


Historic Toulouse, the heart of the city, revolves around three iconic monuments: the legendary and truly beautiful St-Sernin Basilica, the Jacobin Convent, a Gothic masterpiece of southern France and the majestic Capitole. The Saint-Raymond Museum, Hôtel d'Assézat and the Bemberg Foundation, and the Augustins Museum are also more than worth exploring. Without forgetting to take a long stroll around the city's narrow streets steeped in charm to catch glimpses of its superb Renaissance courtyards and magnificent houses tucked away behind massive doors.


  • Trasa od tego miejsca
  • Trasa do tego miejsca
  • Trasa przez to miejsce
  • Hotele w pobliżu
  • Restauracje w pobliżu


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