Peace Square
Námestí Míru, 35 101 Františkovy Lázne Trasy
Zielony przewodnik

Praktyczne informacje


The most characteristic features of the spa town can be seen on Peace Square. The eye is drawn towards the Neo-Classical pavilion which houses the spring of Frank (Františkuv pramen). Further on are the steam baths (Plynové lázne) and the 1914 colonnade guarded by sphinx. Nearby is the park where the Glauber spring (Glauberuv pramen) rises and the gardens. The latter are home to the famous statue of František, a bronze cherub said to encourage women's fecundity if they touch him in the right place.


  • Trasa od tego miejsca
  • Trasa do tego miejsca
  • Trasa przez to miejsce
  • Hotele w pobliżu
  • Restauracje w pobliżu


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