Museum of Religious Art of Cuzco
Calle Hatunrumiyoc / Herrajes, Cuzco Trasy
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Built on the ruins of Inca Roca's palace, the residence of the Marquis of Buenavista features two delightful Moorish-Andalusian patios adorned with azulejos, the archbishop's audience room with a Mudejar-style painted ceiling, and a small chapel. The Museo de Arte Religioso has a dozen rooms presenting a remarkable collection of French and Spanish furniture, altarpieces and, above all, religious paintings, including over a hundred from the 17C and 18C.


  • Trasa od tego miejsca
  • Trasa do tego miejsca
  • Trasa przez to miejsce
  • Hotele w pobliżu
  • Restauracje w pobliżu


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