Lac Saint-Jean
Chicoutimi G0W 2T0 Trasy
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Praktyczne informacje


Located 180km to the north of Quebec City, Lake Saint-Jean forms what looks like an inland sea. Lined by sandy beaches and surrounded by green countryside, it is popular for swimming and sunbathing. Route 169 tours the lake and its villages: those on the north bank are quieter than those on the south. If you have the time and energy, we recommend touring the lake by bicycle, which will take you to delightful spots off the beaten tourist track.


  • Trasa od tego miejsca
  • Trasa do tego miejsca
  • Trasa przez to miejsce
  • Hotele w pobliżu
  • Restauracje w pobliżu


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    Nie znaleźliśmy żadnych atrakcji w pobliżu, ale w okolicy jest wiele innych.

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